Thena platform
Thena platform

FAQs and troubleshooting guides to help you navigate and make the most of the Thena platform

13 articles
How can I manage roles and permissions in Thena?
Why can’t I authorize Slack token via Preferences page?
Why do requests not assigned to me appear in my saved view?
Why wasn’t a message detected as a request?
How can I bulk close requests in Thena?
How can I update the name of an existing status in Thena?
Can I invite a Slack guest user to our Thena workspace?
How can I ungroup a request?
How can I change the Analytics timezone in Thena?
How can I export request data for a specific customer?
How can I use the ticket emoji to create a request in Thena?
FAQs About Our AI Implementation and Data Usage
FAQs about our AI Agent